Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Adjust your sails

We have all encountered things in our lives that seem unfair. Yesterday, a kind and well-respected woman's life was taken by cancer. Elizabeth Edwards was an author, a wife, a mother and a friend. One of my favorite things she said was (and I roughly quote), "When the winds did not blow my way - and surely at times they did not - I simply adjusted my sails..." That is such an excellent motto to live by. Because life will not always go your way; the wind may blow you over. It may push you backward when you're trying to move ahead. But then again, it just may be the little gust you need to push you forward and inspire you to do more. It happened for me just the other day. I got the job I've been so desperately waiting for! I guess things are starting to turn around...

Now the question is- will I be able to survive this new chapter in my life? I'm nervous of course. Every time it is mentioned now my heart pumps so quickly I can feel the blood rush throughout my body. My stomach drops and my head feels woozy. I suppose everyone feels this way at some point though, right? A new job. Living away from home. Being completely on your own. It's exhilarating but terrifying. I only hope that my loved ones who were taken from this world are up there to watch over me and see me through this transition. So for now, I'll take the advice of Elizabeth. I will adjust my sails accordingly, and accept whatever happens... Wish me luck!

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